Data, code and models released by NAVER LABS Europe


Attention-based Retrieval with Text-Explicit Matching and Implicit Similarity.

An Explicit Matching module for compatibility and an Implicit Similarity module for relevance.


Cross-view Completion for 3D vision

Unsupervised representation learning task trained from pairs of images showing the same scene from different viewpoints.


Efficient pareto-optimal fairness-utility amortizations in repeated rankings.

The expohedron is a polytope whose points represent all achievable exposures of items for a Position Based Model (PBM).

Learning super-features for image retrieval

A novel architecture for deep image retrieval

Code for running our FIRe model , based solely on mid-level features that we call super-features.

Multilingual machine translation

Assessing the impact of compression methods on MNMT.

Code repository for paper: What do compressed multilingual machine translation models forget?

Neural feature fusion fields

3D distillation of self-supervised 2D image representations.

A method that improves dense 2D image feature extractors when the latter are applied to the analysis of multiple images reconstructible as a 3D scene.


A novel, plug and play model for human 3D shape estimation in videos.

Model trained by mimicking the BERT algorithm from the natural language processing community.


Quantization-based 3D human motion generation and forecasting.

An auto-regressive transformer-based approach which internally compresses human motion into quantized latent sequences.


3D human poses from natural language.

A dataset pairing 3D human poses with both automatically generated and human-written descriptions.


A shallow multilingual machine translation model for low-resource languages.

Covers more than 10K language pairs, achieves competitive results with M2M-100 while being much smaller and faster.

Semantic segmentation (OASIS benchmark)

On the road to Online Adaptation for Semantic Image Segmentation (OASIS).

A Pytorch codebase for research to replicate the CVPR22 paper.

Single-step adversarial training (N-FGSM)

Make some noise: reliable and efficient single-step adversarial training.

Official repo for the NeurIPS 2022 paper.

Zero-shot task generalization (models)

Multitask prompted training: models (BLOOM BigScience).

These prompted datasets to benchmark the ability of a model to perform completely unseen tasks specified in natural language.

Zero-shot task generalization (prompts)

Multitask prompted training: prompts (BLOOM BigScience).

These prompted datasets to benchmark the ability of a model to perform completely unseen tasks specified in natural language.


NeuralDiff: Segmenting 3D objects that move in egocentric videos.

This repository contains the official implementation of the 3DV 2021 paper.

Generative Distribution Control (GDC)

Debiasing large pretrained language models using distributional control.

A general framework for imposing constraints on samples of pretrained language models

Large-scale localization indoor datasets

Large-scale localization datasets in crowded indoor spaces.

Five new indoor datasets with over 130K images.

NMT & Efficient Multilingual NMT

Code, model checkpoints, test sets and outputs for 4 multilingual NMT papers (EMNLP2021).

Publications concern efficient inference, continual learning, unsupervised NMT and domain adaptation.


Scene-Text Aware Cross-Modal Retrieval

Dataset that allows exploration of cross-modal retrieval where images contain scene-text instances.


Twin Learning for Dimensionality Reduction

A method that is simple, easy to implement and train and of broad applicability.

CoG benchmark

Concept generalization in visual representation learning.

Code repository for the ImageNet-CoG Benchmark introduced in the paper ICCV 2021 paper.

Kapture localization

A toolbox with various localization related algorithms (mapping, localization, benchmarking IR for visual localization).

Relies strongly on the kapture format for data representation and manipulation.


Multi-lingual & multi-domain translation model.

Model specialised for biomedical data.


Differentiable Cross Modal Model

Code implementing the model introduced in Learning to Rank Images with Cross-Modal Graph Convolutions (ECIR’20).

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