29 July 2024

Third Conference on Lifelong Learning Agents (CoLLAs 2024)

29th July -  1st August 2024
Invited speaker Diane Larlus and paper.
21 July 2024

International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2024

21st - 27th July 2024.
Conference paper on VLMs for real-time LCAs and Long-Context FM workshop paper .
15 July 2024

2nd HRI International Symposium

The second edition of the international HRI symposium will be 14th-15th November 2024. In person in Grenoble, France with live streaming.
8 July 2024


8th - 12 th July 2024.
Invited speaker: Laurent Besacier. LMs to encode text and speech in French and other languages.
7 July 2024

International Computer Vision Summer School (ICVSS) 2024

7th - 13th July 2024.
Invited keynote: Diane Larlus, Lifelong Learning for VIsual Representations.
17 June 2024

The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2024

17th – 21st June 2024.
6 conference papers, 7 workshops - papers, invited talks and posters, challenges and benchmarks.
17 June 2024
David B Martin

ECSCW 2024 David B. Martin Best Paper Award

21st June 2024: David B. Martin Best Paper Award
28 May 2024

The Netherlands Conference on Computer Vision (NCCV) 2024

28th - 29th May 2024.
Invited keynote speaker: Yannis Kalantidis.
13 May 2024

IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2024

13th - 17th May 2024.
3 papers on skill learning, manipulation and monocular depth and visual odometry.
11 May 2024

Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) 2024

11th - 16th May 2024. Presenting 1 paper at CHI2024.
7 May 2024

The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2024

7th -  11th May 2024.
6 accepted papers including one spotlight. NAVER has 20 papers this year with 3 spotlights.
14 April 2024

IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2024

14th - 19th April 2024. 3 accepted papers. NAVER LABS Europe is co-organising the "Self-supervision in Audio, Speech and Beyond" workshop

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