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- DUSt3R: Geometric 3D Vision Made Easy
The IEEE / CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR), Seattle, USA, 17-21 June, 2024
- Learning to navigate efficiently and precisely in real environments
The IEEE / CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR), Seattle, USA, 17-21 June, 2024
- Self-supervised pretraining and finetuning for monocular depth and visual odometry
The IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Yokohama, Japan, 13-17 May, 2024
- End-to-End (instance)-image goal navigation through correspondence as an emergent phenomenon
The International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), Vienna, Austria, 7-11 May, 2024
- Zero-BEV: Zero-shot projection of any first-person modality to BEV maps
International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), Davos, Switzerland, 18-21 March, 2024
- CroCo v2: Improved cross-view completion pre-training for stereo matching and optical flow
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Paris, France, 2-6 October, 2023
- Learning whom to trust in navigation: dynamically switching between classical and neural planning
The 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Detroit, Michigan, USA, 1-5 October, 2023
- Multi-Object Navigation in real environments using hybrid policies
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), London, UK, 29 May - 2 June, 2023
- CroCo: Self-Supervised Pretraining for 3D Vision Tasks by Cross-View Completion
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), hybrid event, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 28 November – 9 December, 2022
- Semantic image segmentation: two decades of research
Foundations and Trends® in Computer Graphics and Vision: Vol. 14, No. 1-2, pp 1–162. DOI: 10.1561/0600000095.
- PUMP: pyramidal and uniqueness matching priors for unsupervised learning of local features
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 21-24 June, 2022
- Unsupervised domain adaptation for semantic image segmentation: a comprehensive survey
Published on arXiv.org
- An in-depth experimental study of sensor usage and visual reasoning of robots navigating in real environments
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Philadelphia, USA,23-27 May, 2022.
- Learning synthetic to real transfer for localization and navigational tasks
Published on arXiv.org, 20 November, 2020
- Magnetic field sensing for pedestrian and robot indoor positioning
11th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, Lloret de Mar, Spain, 29 November - 2 December, 2021
- Learning from long-tailed data with noisy labels
Self-supervised Learning for Next-Generation Industry-level Autonomous Driving workshop at the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), virtual event, 11-17 October, 2021
- Universal domain adaptation in ordinal regression
Published on arXiv.org, 22 June, 2021
- Magnetic sensor based indoor positioning by multi-channel deep regression
ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2020), Yokohama, Japan (online event), 16-19 November, 2020
- Self-supervised attention learning for depth and ego-motion estimation
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), online on-demand conference, 25 October-25 November 2020
- Adversarial transfer of pose estimation regression
Transferring and Adapting Source Knowledge in Computer Vision (TASK-CV) workshop, at the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Glasgow, UK (virtual event), 23 August, 2020
- Semi-supervised variational autoencoder for WiFi indoor localization
10th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN'19), Pisa, Italy, 30 September-3 October, 2019
- Using Latent Codes for Class Imbalance Problem in Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
Published on arXiv:1909.08962, 17 September, 2019
- Learning common representation from RGB and depth images
Multi-modal Learning and Application Workshop (CVPR), Long Beach, USA, 16-20 June, 2019
- Mining smart card data for travellers’ mini activities
IEEE Transactions On Intelligent Transportation Systems, 19 (11), pp. 3676-3685
- Mining smart card data for travelers mini activities
ECML 2017, Skopje, Macedonia, 19-23 September 2017
- An Extended Framework for Marginalized Domain Adaptation
- What to do when the access to the source data is constrained?
Domain Adaptation in Computer Vision Applications, Ed: Gabriela Csurka, Springer Series Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-58347-1_14, pp. 133-149
- Discrepancy-based networks for unsupervised domain adaptation : a comparative study
ICCV workshop on Transferring and Adapting Source Knowledge in Computer Vision (TASK-CV), Venice, Italy, 22-29 October, 2017
- Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Regularized Domain Instance Denoising
ECCV, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, October 8-16, 2016.
- Stochastic Optimization of Public Transport Schedules to Reduce Transfer Waiting Times
IEEE Second International Smart Cities Conference, Trento, Italy, 12-15 September, 2016.
- Domain Adaptation in the Absence of Source Domain Data
22nd ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, San Francisco, California, August 13-17, 2016. Full paper available on KDD 2016 Website
- A Domain Adaptation Regularization for Denoising Autoencoders
ACL, Berlin, Germany, August 7-12, 2016
- Transductive Adaptation of Black Box Predictions
ACL, Berlin, Germany, August 7-12, 2016.
- Evaluating Stacked Marginalised Denoising Autoencoders within Domain Adaptation Methods
CLEF, Toulouse, France, 8-11 September, 2015
- Improved Trip Planning by Learning from Travelers Choices
ICML, International Conference on Machine Learning, Lille, France, 6-11 July, 2015.
- Traffic Delay Detection by Mining Ticket Validation Transactions
17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Qingdao, China, October 8-11, 20014
- Vehicle Type classification from laser Scans with Global Alignment Kernels
17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Qingdao, China, October 8-11, 2014
- Tag Ranking by Linear Relational Neighborhood Propagation
The 2012 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining - ASONAM 2012 - Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey, 26-29 August, 2012.
- Local Metric Learning for Tag Recommendations in Social Networks
International ACM Conference on DocEng,Mountain View, California, USA, September 19-22 September, 2011.
- Learning Recommendations in Social Media Systems By Weighting Multiple Relations
ECML PKDD 2011, European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Athens, Greece 5-9 Sept. 2011.
- Sharing the Collective Intelligence between E-mail Applications
CIS 2010 - GROUP 2010 Workshop on Collaborative Information Seeking - Sanibel Island, Florida, USA, 7 November 2010
- Boosting Multi-Task Weak Learners and Applications
9th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, Washington, US, 12-14 December2010
- Multi-modality in One-class Classification
19th International World Wide Conference, Raleigh, North Carolina USA, 26-30 April 2010
- Applying Markov Logic to Document Annotation and Citation Deduplication
ECG 2010, Llandudno, UK, 6-11 April, 2010
- Visalix: A Web Application for Visual Data Analysis and Clustering
ACM KDD 2009 (International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining), Paris, France, June 28-31, 2009
- Stacked Dependency Networks for Layout Document Structuring
Appear in a Special issue on Document Engineering, in the Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol 18, issue 14, pages 2998-3010.<BR> Full paper available on JUCS website
- Visalix – Visual Interactive System for Annotation and LearnIng at Xerox
Demo on XRCE public Web Portal
- Scalable Feature Extraction from Noisy Documents
ICDAR 2009 (International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition). Barcelona, Spain, July 26-29, 2009
- Semi-supervised Categorization of Wikipedia collection by Label Expansion
Will appear in the Proceeding of INEX 2008, Dagstulh, Germany
- Scalable Feature Selection for Multi-Class Problems
ECML PKDD 2008 (European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases), Antwerp, Belgium, September 15-19, 2008
- Clustering Visuel Semi-supervisé pour des Systèmes en Coordonnées en Étoiles 3D
8èmes journées francophones "Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances" EGC, Nice, France, 29janvier au 1er février, 2008.
- Stacked Dependency Networks for Layout Document Structuring
The 23rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Fortaleza, Brazil, March 16-20, 2008.<BR> Full paper available on ACM Portal
- Semi-Supervised Visual Clustering for Spherical Coordinates Systems
The 23rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Fortaleza, Brazil, March 16-20, 2008.<BR> Full paper available on ACM Portal
- Stacked Dependency Networks for Layout Document Structuring
SIGIR Information Retrieval and Graphical Model Workshop, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 25 ,2007.
- Apprentissage Actif pour l Annotation de Documents
CORIA, 4éme Conférence en Recherche d Information et Applications, Saint-Etienne, 28-30 Mars 2007.
- ALDAI: Active Learning Document Annotation Interface
ACM Document Engineering symposium, Demo session, Amsterdam, The Netherland, 10-13 Oct, 2006.
- Document Annotation by Active Learning Techniques
ACM Document Engineering Symposium, Amsterdam, The Netherland, 10-13 oCT. 2006.
- Wrapper Induction and Maintenance in Documentum ECI
Workshop on Information Integration on the Web, 15th International World Wide Web Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 22-26, 2006.
- Documentum ECI Self-Repairing Wrappers: Performance analysis
Proc. ACM SIGMOD 2006, Industrial track, Chicago, USA, 26-29 June 2006.
- Traitement automatique pour la Migration de Documents Numériques vers XML
To appear in Document Numérique
- A Web Based Document Harmonisation and Annotation Chain: from PDF to RDF
ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, Bristol, UK, 2-4 November, 2005.
- Méthode d Apprentissage pour la Conversion Automatique de Documents Structurés
MajeCSTIC, Manifestation des Jeunes Chercheurs francophones dans les domaines des STIC, Rennes, France, 16-18 novembre 2005.
- HTML-to-XML Migration by Means of Sequential Learning and Grammatical Inference
IJCAI 05 Workshop on Grammatical Inference Applications, Edinburgh, Scotland, 30 July, 2005
- From legacy Document to XML: A conversion Framework
9th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, Vienna, Austria, September 18-23, 2005.
- Coupling Maximum Entropy and Probabilistic Context-free Grammar Models for XML Annotation of Documents
Conférence Francophone sur Apprentissage automatique 2005, Maison du Séminaire, May 30-June 3, 2005
- A Probabilistic Learning Method for XML Annotation of Documents
IJCAI, 19th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Edinburgh, Scotland, 30 July - 5 August 2005.
- Supervised Learning for the Legacy Document Conversion
ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, October 28-30, 2004.
- Learning Query Languages of Web Interfaces
ACM 2004 Symposium on Applied Computing, Nicosia, Cyprus, Mach 14-17, 2004.
- Editing and Authoring: A Structural Adviser for the XML Document Authoring
Pages 203-211 in Proceedings of the 2003 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, Grenoble, France, November 20-22, 2003.
- Crawling for Domain-specific Hidden Web Resources
International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE) in Rome, Italy, December 10-12.
- Information Extraction form Tree Documents by Learning Subtree Delimiters
IJCAI-03 Workshop on Information Integration on the Web
- Automatic Repairing of Web Wrappers by Combining Redundant Views
Proc. of 14th IEEE International Conference On Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Washington DC, USA, Nov. 4-6, 2002.
- Métarecherche : la Recherche Distribuée d Information
To appear in Traité Sciences de l Information - Assistance Intelligente à la recherche d information Eds: E.Gaussier et M-H Stefanini http://www.editions-hermes.fr/fr/cdrom2005/pages/notices/2746207260.html
- Schema Extraction from XML Collections
Proc. ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conf. Digital Libraries, Portland, Oregon, US, July 2002
- Automatic Repairing of Web Wrappers
Proc. ACM Web Information and Data Management'01, Atlanta, US, November 2001
- Schema Extraction from XML Data
KRDB'01 Workshop (Knowledge Representation and Databases), Rome, Italy, September 15, 2001
- Wrapping Web Information Providers by Transducer Induction
European Conference on Machine Learning, Freiburg, Germany, September 3-7, 2001
- Wrapper Generation by k-Reversible Grammar Induction
ECAI'00 Machine Learning for Information Extraction Workshop, Berlin, August 2000
- Collaborative Re-ranking of Search Results
Proc. AAAI-2000 Workshop on AI for Web Search, July 30, 2000, Austin, TX
- Automatic Wrapper Generation for Web Search Engines
The 1st Intern. Conf. on Web-Age Information Management (WAIM'2000), Shanghai, China, June 2000
- Using Regular Tree Automata as XML schemas
IEEE Advances in Digital Libraries Conference, Washington, May 2000
- Semantic Caching of Web Queries
Very Large DataBases Journal, Special issue "Databases and the Web", Vol. 9(1), pp. 2-17, 2000
- Wrapper Generation via Grammar Induction
11th European Conference on Machine Learning, Barcelona, Spain, May 2000
- Optimizing Web Queries through Semantic Caching
Proc. 15èmes Journées Bases de Données Avancées, (BDA'99) , 25-27 Octobre 1999, Bordeaux, France
- Semantic Cache Mechanism for Heterogeneous Web Querying
Computer Networks, Elsevier, 31(1999), pp 1347-1360.
- Semantic Cache Mechanism for Heterogeneous Web Querying
Proc. Intern. WWW8 Conference May 1999, Toronto, Canada, pp. 269-282
- Approximation Techniques for Indexing Constraint Databases
Proc. 6th Intern. Database Systems for Advanced Applications(DASFAA)'99 Conf., Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC
- Indexing Constraint Databases by Using a Dual Representation
Proc. IEEE Int.Conf. Data Engineering, March 1999, Sydney, Australia
- Signature File Methods for Semantic Query Caching
LNCS 1513, Proc. of the 2nd European Conf. on Digital Libraries, September, 1998, Greece
- Query Translation for Distributed Information Gathering on the Web
Proc. of the Int'l Database Engineering and Applications Symposium, July, 1998, UK
- Towards Optimal Indexing for Segment Databases
LNCS 1377, Proc. of the EDBT Conference, March, 1998, Valencia, Spain
- Boolean Query Translation for Brokerage on the Web
Proc. of the Int'l. Conf. EuroMedia/WEBTEC, January 5-7, 1998, Leicester, U.K.
- Towards Optimal Two-dimensional Indexing for Constraint Databases
Information Processing Letters, 64(1), pp. 1-8, 1997
- Indexing Techniques for Advanced Database Systems
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.
- Towards Sophisticated Wrapping of Web-based Information Repositories
Proc. of the 5th Int'l RIAO Conf., June 25-27, 1997, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, pp. 123-135
- The Constraint-Based Knowledge Broker System
IEEE Computer Society Press, Proc. of the 13th Int'l Conf. on Data Engineering, April 7-11, 1997, Birmingham, U.K.