18 October 2019
Fine-grained action retrieval

Fine-grained action retrieval from video

Fine-grained action retrieval made possible thanks to a new annotated dataset and part-of-speech embedding.
5 August 2019
ACL 2019 blog image

ACL 2019 Trends – our round-up of highlights from this year’s conference

Our favourite papers, talks and workshops. It's a 'long read'!
25 July 2019
robustness nmt blog

Improving the robustness of neural machine translation to social media text

WMT 2019 Robustness Competition: NAVER LABS Europe’s models rank first in 3 out of 4 subtasks.
24 July 2019
DIS 2019

Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 2019): Highlights

Exploring the role of design in communities and technology
24 July 2019
tamgu blog image

TAMGU: A new open source programming language to help create, annotate and augment corpora and data.

Tamgu has been designed to make cleaning or creating corpora as simple as possible. Go try it out!
19 July 2019

Improving news recommendation with hybrid algorithms

A combination of collaborative filtering approaches and contextual information can help overcome unpredictable behavior while taking into account position and layout bias for more effective recommendation.
10 July 2019

ICML 2019 Highlights

A recap with analysis of what caught our attention most at this year's conference.
14 June 2019
ar museum blog image

An augmented reality guide for museums

The acme of perfection of AR is when you can’t distinguish the virtual from the real. We experiment with AI and computer vision in our AR museum guide ARAO to make the physical experience a natural one.
14 June 2019

Making maps evergreen with deep learning, robots and computer vision

A system that correctly detects when places have changed to automatically update complex indoor maps. Dataset available for research.
7 June 2019
MARS blog image

MARS: Motion-augmented RGB stream for action recognition

This blog presents our CVPR’19 paper on “MARS: Motion-Augmented RGB Stream for Action Recognition” done with the Thoth team at Inria.
7 June 2019
CHI 2019

CHI 2019 – Our highlights from this year’s conference on AI, robotics, recommender systems and accessibility and inclusion

The UX and Ethnography team joined the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), the most important conference in the field of Human-Computing Interaction. In this article we share our highlights and how we lived this intensive event.
27 May 2019
Visual Localization OOIs

Visual Localization by Learning OOIs Dense Match Regression

The first deep regression-based method that generalizes to larger environments, performs better than state-of-the-art with little training data and is robust to occlusion. Virtual Gallery dataset provided.

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