29 November 2024

Highlights of the 2nd International Symposium on HRI

Session chairs share highlights of presentations and panels of this 2nd edition. Recordings now available.
22 December 2022

Highlights of the Humans at the Centre of HRI symposium 2022

This article summarizes the 2022 HRI symposium, organised by NAVER LABS Europe and INRIA. The multidisciplinary event brought together researchers and practitioners from various fields to discuss the latest developments in the domain of human-robot interaction (HRI).
10 March 2021
podcast Matthias Galle

NAVER LABS AI research in Europe – a podcast with lab manager Matthias Gallé

Podcast and transcript of Matthias Gallé, head of the NAVER research LAB in Europe who tells us what kind of research is going on in the labs in France and what it’s like to work there.
15 December 2020
RunAgead Blog Image

Running into the unknown with RunAhead

Running into the unknown with RunAhead: finding pleasant running tours and intuitively navigating through them. The use of combinatorial optimization and UX design, together with head-tracking technology, provides a non-intrusive way of helping runners to discover new itineraries.
6 July 2020
Lifelong Learning

Ambient Wanderer: mobile technology design to help explore new cities

With Ambient Wanderer, we aim to inform the design of systems that can meet the requirements of on-the-go users looking to discover relevant points of interest, and to demonstrate the benefits of using a hybrid Wizard of Oz approach to investigate POI recommender systems.
24 July 2019
DIS 2019

Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 2019): Highlights

Exploring the role of design in communities and technology
7 June 2019
CHI 2019

CHI 2019 – Our highlights from this year’s conference on AI, robotics, recommender systems and accessibility and inclusion

The UX and Ethnography team joined the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), the most important conference in the field of Human-Computing Interaction. In this article we share our highlights and how we lived this intensive event.

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