CVPR 2018
Main Conference and Exhibition: 19-21 June 2018
Workshops and Tutorials: 18, 22 June 2018
NAVER LABS (Korea/France) is silver sponsor of CVPR – come meet us at Booth 211!
Main Conference
Wednesday, 20th June 2018:
8:30-10:10 David Novotny, Samuel Albanie, Diane Larlus, Andrea Vedaldi: Self-supervised Learning of Geometrically Stable Features Through Probabilistic Introspection (spotlight)
16.30 – 18.30 Vasileios Choutas, Philippe Weinzaepfel, Jerome Revaud, Cordelia Schmid: PoTion: Pose Motion Representation for Action Recognition

NAVER LABS team at the booth.
Monday, 18th June 2018:
The 14th IEEE Embedded Vision Workshop
Martin Humenberger, Steering Committee
Best Paper Award sponsored by NAVER LABS Europe
Philippe Weinzaepfel, Technical Program Committee
Best Paper Award sponsored by NAVER LABS Europe
Friday, 22nd June 2018:
Bridges to 3D Workshop:How can 3D Vision Help and Be Helped?
Invited Poster: Learning 3D Object Categories by Looking Around Them. D. Novotny, D. Larlus, A. Vedaldi