Open house seminars with international guest speakers.

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13 May 2019
Visual Localization seminar cover

Visual Localization

May 15th - We are hosting guests from Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Heidelberg who will speak about their respective work on visual localization.
13 May 2019
Structuring legal information cover

Structuring legal information at Doctrine: Challenges and solutions

13th May 2019 -  Speaker: Nicolas Fiorini - Arnaud Miribel @ Doctrine
2 May 2019
The motion of Anthropomorphic cover

The motion of Anthropomorphic systems in the Gepetto team of LAAS-CNRS

3rd May 2019 - Speaker: Philippe Souères, research director at LAAS-CNRS & head of the Gepetto team
26 April 2019
Modelling the interplay cover

Modelling the interplay between visual and textual information for computer vision applications

Speaker: Dimosthenis Karatzas, senior lecturer at the UAB, Barcelona, Spain & associate director of the Computer Vision Centre where he leads the Vision and Language research line.
25 March 2019
Research Development Heuritech cover

Research & Development at Heuritech

Speaker: Charles Ollion, Cofounder & CTO at Heuritech Lecturer in Deep Learning at Master Datascience Paris-Saclay / Epita, France.
20 March 2019
Improving RNN architectures cover

Improving RNN architectures for Contextual Venue Recommendations

Speaker: Iadh Ounis professor in the School of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow and leader of the Terrier Team and Craig Macdonald, senior lecturer in Information Retrieval in the School of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow.
19 March 2019
Beyond Supervised Driving logo

Beyond Supervised Driving

Speaker: Adrien Gaidon - @adnothing, Machine Intelligence Lead and senior research scientist at the Toyota Research Institute (TRI) in Los Altos, CA, USA. He’s working on open problems in world-scale learning for autonomous driving.
18 March 2019
Digital U Turn cover

The digital U-Turn

Speaker: Thomas Houy, Associate Professor in Management Science at Télécom ParisTech, France
11 March 2019
Gaussian Embeddings Hybrid cover

Gaussian Embeddings for Hybrid Collaborative Filtering

Speaker: Benjamin Piwowarski, researcher CNRS, France
8 March 2019
Big Mother cover

Big Mother – how AI and algorithms are reshaping power and control in the digital era

Speaker: Philippe Vion-Dury, journalist and editor of Socialter magazine.
8 February 2019
Dense image labeling cover

Dense image labeling for image matching and instance segmentation

Speaker: David Novotny, Research Scientist at Facebook AI Research, London, UK. David was previously a DPhil student in the Visual Geometry Group, University of Oxford in collaboration with NAVER LABS Europe, supervised by Diane Larlus and Prof. Andrea Vedaldi.
19 October 2018
post-AlphaGo cover

The “post-AlphaGo” Go world

Speaker: Inseong Hwang, educator at French Go Federation, Grenoble, France

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