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- FrenchToxicityPrompts: a large benchmark for evaluating and mitigating toxicity in French texts
Fourth Workshop on Threat, Aggression and Cyberbullying (TRAC - 2024) at the Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING ), Turin, Italy, 20 May, 2024
- DistilWhisper: efficient distillation of multi-task speech models via language-specific experts
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Seoul, Korea, 14-19 April, 2024
- An adapter-based unified model for multiple spoken language processing tasks
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Seoul, Korea, 14-19 April, 2024
- What do compressed multilingual machine translation models forget?
Findings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 7-9 December, 2022
- SMaLL-100: introducing shallow multilingual machine translation model for low-resource languages
Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 7-9 December, 2022
- What do compressed multilingual machine translation models forget?
Published on arXiv.org, 22 May, 2022
- “Sentiment Aware Map” : exploration cartographique de points d’intérêt via l’analyse de sentiments au niveau des aspects
Demo at TALN, Toulouse, France, 1-5 July, 2019
- Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis into the Wild
WASSA (Workshop EMNLP), Brussels, Belgium, 31 October-4 November, 2018
- Transfert de ressources sémantiques pour l’analyse de sentiments au niveau des aspects
TALN, Rennes, France, 14-18 May, 2018
- Steps Toward Automatic Understanding of the Function of Affective Language in Support Groups
NLP for Social Media, Austin, USA, November 1, 2016.
- XRCE: Feedbacked Ensemble Modeling on Syntactico-Semantic Knowledge for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis
NAACL HLT, San Diego, USA, June 16-17, 2016
- Identifying User Issues and Request Types in Forum Question Posts Based on Discourse Analysis
WWW Conference, Montréal, Canada, April 11-15, 2016.
- XRCE Personal Language Analytics Engine for Multilingual Author Profiling Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2015
CLEF 2015 Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, 8-11 September, Toulouse, France
- Motivating Personality-Aware Machine Translation
EMNLP, Lisboa, Portugal, September 17-21, 2015.
- Un Système Hybride pour l’Analyse des Sentiments Associés aux Aspects – An Hybrid System for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis
TALN, Caen, France, 22-25 juin, 2015.
- NLP-based Feature Extraction for Automated Tweet Classification
ECML/PKDD, Nancy, France, 15-19 September 2014
- Part of Speech Tagging for French Social Media Data
Coling, Dublin, Ireland, August 23-29, 2014.
- XRCE: Hybrid Classification for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis
SemEval, Dublin, Ireland, August 23-24, 2014
- Décomposition des Hash Tag pour l Amélioration de la Classification en Polarité des Tweets
TALN RECITAL, Marseille, France, 1-4 July, 2014.
- Suggestion Mining: Detecting Suggestions for Improvement in Users’ Comments
14th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics, University of the Aegean, Samos, Greece, March 24-30, 2013.
- Learning Opinionated Patterns for Contextual Opinion Detection
24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Bombay, Mumbai, India, 8-15 December, 2012.
- Propagation de Polarités dans des Familles de Mots: Impact de la Morphologie dans la Construction d’un Lexique pour l’Analyse de Sentiments
TALN Conference, Grenoble, France, 4-8 June 2012.
- Opinion and Suggestion Analysis for Expert Recommendations
13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Avignon, France, April 23-27, 2012.
- Linguistically-Adapted Structural Query Annotation for Digital Libraries in the Social Sciences
13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Avignon, France, April 23-27, 2012.
- A Graphical user Interface for Feature-Based Opinion Mining
The 2012 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Montreal, Canada, June 3-8, 2012.
- Detecting Opinions Using Deep Syntactic Analysis
RANLP, Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Hissar, Bulgaria, September 12-14, 2011.
- Un Système de Détection d’Opinions Fondé sur l’Analyse Syntaxique Profonde
TALN, Montpellier, France, June 27th-July 1st, 2011.
- Un Systeme de Detection d Entites Nommees Adapte pour la Campagne d Evaluation ESTER 2
TALN (Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles), Montreal, Canada, 19-23 July, 2010
- Adaptation of a Named Entity Recognition System for the ESTER 2 Evaluation Campaign
IEEE NLP-KE 2009 (IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering), Dalian, China, 24-27 September 2009
- Une Expérience de Fusion pour l Annotation d’Entités Nommées
TALN 2009 (Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel), Senlis, France, June 24-26 2009
- Semantically-Driven Extraction of Relations between Named Entities
CICLing 2009 (International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics), Mexico City, Mexico, March 1-7, 2009
- A Hybrid System for Named Entity Metonymy Resolution
To appear in LNAI series of Springer - POST LTC 2007 (Language and Technology Conference)
- Résolution de Métonymie des Entités Nommées : proposition d’une méthode hybride
TALN 2008, Avignon, France, June 9-13, 2008
- Vérification Sémantique pour l Annotation d Entités Nommées
TALN 2008, Avignon, France, 9-13 June 2008
- A Hybrid System for Named Entity Metonymy Resolution
L&TC, 3rd Language & Technology Conference, Poznan, Poland, 5-7 October, 2007.
- A Hybrid System for Named Entity Metonymy Resolution
ACL - SemEval 2007, 4th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations, Prague, Czech Republic, 23-24 June 2007
- Intertwining Deep Syntactic Processing and Named Entity Detection
ESTAL 2004, Alicante, Spain, October 20-22, 2004.
- Terminology Finite State Preprocessing for Computational LFG
Proceedings of COLING/ACL 98, Montreal, 1998
- Extraction d Information en Domaine Restreint pour la Génération Multilingue de Resumés Ciblés
TALN 2004, Fez, Morocco, April 19-21 2004.
- Normalization and Paraphrasing using Symbolic Methods
ACL: Second International workshop on Paraphrasing, Paraphrase Acquisition and Applications, Sapporo, Japan, July 7-12, 2003.
- MDA-XML : Une Expérience de Rédaction Controlée Multilingue basée sur XML
TALN, Batz-sur-mer, France, 11-14 June 2003.
- Redaction Multilingue Assistée dans le Modele MDA
To appear in a Book "Multilinguisme et traitement d'information", end of year 2002.
- Les Outils de TAL au Service de la e Formation en Langues
in Multilinguisme et Traitement de l Information, Volume dirigé par Frédérique Segond, Hermes, 2002
- Document Structure and Multilingual Authoring
Proc INLG'2000, Mitzpe Ramon, Israël, pp 24
- A Client/Server Architecture for Word Sense disambiguation
Proc. Coling'2000, Saarbrücken, Germany, pp 132
- Coordination et Analyse du Français Écrit dans le Cadre de la Grammaire Lexicale Fonctionnelle
Revue électronique les enjeux de l'information et de la communication
- Enriching a Text by Semantic Disambiguation for Information Extraction
Conference Proceedings LREC, Las Palmas, Spain, June 2, 2002.
- A Dictionary Based Architecture for Word Sense Disambiguation
ACL, Maryland, USA
- La Coordination dans le cadre d’une Grammaire LFG du Francais.
Proceedings of CLIM'96, 8 - 11 June, 1996, Montreal.