Past EU and Government Projects
NAVER LABS Europe founding partner of EU project: Time Machine

The Time Machine Project builds a Large Scale Simulator mapping 2000 years of European History, transforming kilometres of archives and large collections from museums into a digital information system. The Time Machine will create advanced AI technologies to make sense of vast amounts of information from complex historical data sets. This will enable the transformation of fragmented data – with content ranging from medieval manuscripts and historical objects to smartphone and satellite images – into useable knowledge for the industry. In essence, a large-scale computing and digitisation infrastructure will map Europe’s entire social, cultural and geographical evolution. Considering the unprecedented scale and complexity of the data, The Time Machine’s AI even has the potential to create a strong competitive advantage for Europe in the global AI race.

ALICIA (Adaptive Learning for Intelligent Crowdsourcing and Information Access) This project studies models and algorithms that rely on adaptive learning techniques to improve the effectiveness, performance, and scalability of user-centric applications in information access and intelligent crowdsourcing.
NAVER LABS Europe expertise: Adaptive learning, social media analytics, recommendation systems
French Government: ANR Programme, CONTINT (2014 – 2018)

SMOOTH Helping micro enterprises to adopt and be compliant with GDPR. Micro enterprises (MEnts) are responsible for a large percentage of the overall employment and value added in the EU, however, when it refers to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)’s application, MEnts are the most vulnerable due to their lack of expertise and resources to invest in their adoption. SMOOTH provides technology to make it easy to bridge this gap.
NAVER LABS Europe expertise: Natural Language Understanding
EU Framework: H2020 (2018 – 2020)
Social: @GDPR_Smooth

READ (Recognition and Enrichment of Archival Documents) This project implemented a Virtual Research Environment where archivists, humanities scholars, computer scientists and volunteers could collaborate with the ultimate goal of boosting research, innovation, development and usage of cutting edge technology for the automated recognition, transcription, indexing and enrichment of handwritten archival documents.
A new platform based on deep-learning approaches to handwritten-text recognition and information extraction enabled data from century-old documents to be parsed and analysed, making it possible to explore epidemics and the evolution of populations over time. The Vital Records demonstrator brought to life a collection of 80,000 pages of handwritten records from 200 parishes in Germany from 1848 to 1878. This video shows how scarlet fever spread from 1870 to 1871 using the Vital Records demonstrator.
NAVER LABS Europe expertise: Document understanding, document layout analysis. Read more about our work in READ in this blog article on ‘Document Analysis and Layout Using Sequential Pattern Mining Techniques‘ and Document Understanding.
EU framework: H2020, e-infrastructure (2016-2019)
Social: @Transkribus

EURECA is a EU project with the aim to build software solutions to improve interoperability among existing data systems, such as clinical trials and electronic health record systems. Oncology has been selected as the focus domain because of the incidence of cancers, the complexity of data collected and of the therapy options. As a partner Naver Labs Europe will be using its natural language processing expertise and technologies to automatically extract and semantically tag relevant medical concepts and relations from the unstructured text in patient records, clinical guidelines and trials and medical scientific literature.
NAVER LABS Europe expertise: natural language processing, knowledge extraction
EU framework: FP7 ICT

MOBINET is an open, multi-vendor platform for Europe-wide mobility services (MaaS) coordinated by ERTICO-ITS Europe. The goal is to develop, deploy and operate the technical and organisational foundations of an open, multi-vendor platform for Europe-wide mobility services. Key MOBiNET innovations address the barriers to cooperative system-enabled service deployment, including the lack of harmonised services; availability of communication means; inaccessibility and incompatibility of transport-related data; fragmentation of end-user subscription and payment services; proprietary technologies in user devices etc.
NAVER LABS Europe expertise: software architecture and privacy, transportation services
EU framework: 7th RTD FP. Cooperative Systems for energy efficient and sustainable mobility
Social: @MOBINET_EU, LinkedIn: MOBiNET

PERICLES (Promoting and Enhancing Reuse of Information throughout the Content Lifecycle taking account of Evolving Semantics) The goal of the project is to ensure that digital assets (e.g. data sets, software, media, etc.) created today will continue to be available and useful for future generations.
NAVER LABS Europe expertise: dependency modeling and change management, using Semantic Web tools and standards. Received best paper award at ICSOFT 2015.
EU framework: FPT ICT
Social: @PericlesFP7, #periclesfp7, Pericles Blog
Queries on collaboration with NAVER LABS Europe.