3rd – 5th October 2019
The PRAIRIE AI summer school comprises lectures conducted by renowned experts in different areas of artificial intelligence. The first edition of this summer school, held in Grenoble, was co-organized by Inria and NAVER LABS and brought together outstanding speakers and more than 200 students from all over the world. The second edition will be held in Paris and will include presentations on several topics, including, computer vision, machine learning, natural language processing, robotics, healthcare. The PRAIRIE summer school will alternatively take place in Grenoble and Paris.
The 2019 edition is organized by Inria and the institutes PRAIRIE and MIAI. NAVER LABS is a founding member of PRAIRIE and NAVER LABS Europe is comitted to MIAI, the Grenoble interdisciplinary Artificial Intelligence institute.
The deadline for applications is 6th September 2019, 11:59pm CET, but space is limited. Please apply as soon as possible.
Diane Larlus , NAVER LABS EUROPE Computer Vision team, is on the scientific committee.