16th – 20th January 2023
ALPS 2023 – the third Advanced Language Processing School, co-organized by LIG (University Grenoble Alpes) and NAVER LABS Europe. ALPS consists in a week-long series of lectures by world-class NLP researchers, sessions where participants present their work, social sessions and labs. The school will take place entirely online.
Confirmed speakers: Michael Auli (Facebook AI Research, USA), Kyunghyun Cho (New York University and CIFAR Associate Fellow, USA), Yejin Choi (University of Washington and Allen Institute for AI, USA), Dirk Hovy (Bocconi University, Italia), Colin Raffel (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Hugging Face, USA), Lucia Specia (Imperial College, United Kingdom), François Yvon (LISN/CNRS, France)
The winter school targets primarily students at master level (research oriented) or PhD level. Some places are reserved for academics and researchers from industry. ALPS aims to provide talks of renowned NLP researchers, as well as creating an ideal environment to foster collaborations