Open house seminars with international guest speakers.

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11 January 2016

Introducing the SynthCity world: synthetic worlds for urban semantic segmentation and autonomous navigation

Speaker: German Ros, doctoral candidate at Computer Vision Center, Barcelona, Spain
24 November 2015

Unsupervised domain adaptation by subspace alignment, and more

Speaker: Rémi Emonet, maître de conférences at Laboratoire Hubert Curien, Saint-Etienne, France
24 November 2015

Texture synthesis and transfer using convolutional neural networks

Speaker: Leon Gatys, doctoral candidate at Bethge Lab, Tübingen, Germany
24 November 2015

From the architecture of information to less printing: The Xerox saga modeled with SEAM

Speaker: Gil Regev, senior researcher at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
12 November 2015

Bias and variance of learning with weighted automata

Speaker: Borja Balle, professor at Lancaster University, Lancaster, U.K
28 October 2015

Proof of properties in floating-point arithmetic

Speaker: Jean-Michel Muller, directeur de recherche at Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon, France
28 October 2015

Cooperative techniques for querying uncertain RDF knowledge bases

Speaker: Stéphane Jean, maître de conférences at Université de Poitiers, Poitiers, France
19 October 2015

Human activity analysis in video sequences

Speaker: Serge Miguet, professor, Université de Lyon, France
19 October 2015

A statistical, grammar-based approach to micro-planning

Speaker: Claire Gardent, CNRS LORIA, Nancy, France
12 October 2015

High throughput screening drug screening in brain cancer

Speaker: Brian Bigger and Kenny Yu - University of Manchester Stem Cell & Neurotherapies lab, Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine / Rod Benson - Imagen Biotech company
30 September 2015

ADInnov: a method to analyze, diagnose and propose innovations for complex eco-systems

Speaker: Mario Cortes Cornax, post-doctoral researcher at SIGMA team, LIG lab, Grenoble, France
23 September 2015

The democratization of optimization

Speaker: Kristian Kersting, associate professor at Technical University of Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany

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