21st September 2017
Speaker: Dima Aldamen, Senior Lecturer at Bristol University, Bristol, U.K.
Abstract: As opposed to the traditional notion of actions and activities in computer vision, where the motion (e.g. jumping) or the goal (e.g. cooking) is the focus, I will argue for an object-centred perspective onto actions and activities, during daily routine or as part of an industrial workflow. I will present approaches for the understanding of ‘what’ objects one interacts with, ‘how’ these objects have been used and ‘when’ interactions takes place.
The talk will be divided into three parts. In the first part, I will present unsupervised approaches to automatic discovery of task-relevant objects and their modes of interaction, as well as automatically providing guidance on using novel objects through a real-time wearable setup. In the second part, I will introduce supervised approaches to two novel problems: action completion – when an action is attempted but not completed, and expertise determination – who is better in task performance and who is best. In the final part, I will discuss work in progress on uncovering labelling ambiguities in object interaction recognition including ambiguities in defining the temporal boundaries for object interactions and ambiguities in verb semantics.
Seminars are open to the public. Please contact Jean-Marc Andreoli for more information on NAVER LABS seminars.