February 19th, 2015 at 11:00am
Speaker: Mathieu Lafourcade, directeur de recherche at CNRS, LIRMM, Montpellier, France
Abstract: JeuxDeMots (JDM) is a web-based associative game (a game with a purpose) where people are invited to play on various lexical and semantic relations between terms. The aim of this projet is to build a large lexico-semantic network, with various relations types and word raffinements (word usages).
Text semantic analysis is the main application for exploiting this resource, however the use as a tool for providing help in the case of the “tip of the tongue” phenomenon is also fruitful. This presentation will present the principles behind the JDM project, as well has the results achieved so far (around 450 000 terms for 18 million relations). The following aspects will be discussed: the interaction between the various games of the JDM environnement, some inference mechanisms of relations and rules, word polarity and sentiments, and some ethical aspects.