Gabriela Csurka, Jean-Michel Renders, Guillaume Jacquet |
Conference on Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access Evaluation, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 19-22 September 2011. |
The aim of this document is to describe the methods we used in the Patent Image Classification and Image-based Patent Retrieval tasks of the Clef-IP 2011 track. The patent image classification task consisted in categorizing patent images into predefined categories such as abstract drawing, graph, flowchart, table, etc. Our main aim in participating in this sub-task was to test how our image categorizer performs on this type of categorization problem. Therefore, we used SIFT-like local orientation histograms as low level features and on the top of that we built a visual vocabularies specific to patent images using Gaussian mixture model (GMM). This allowed us to represent images with Fisher Vectors and to use linear classifiers to train one-versusall classifiers. As the results show, we obtain very good classification performance. Concerning the Image-based Patent Retrieval task, we kept the same image representation as for the Image Classification task and used dot product as similarity measure. Nevertheless, in the case of patents the aim was to rank patents based on patent similarities, which in the case of pure image-based retrieval implies to be able to compare a set of images versus another set of images. Therefore, we investigated different strategies such as averaging Fisher Vector representation of an image set or considering the maximum similarity between pairs of images. Finally, we also built runs where the predicted image classes were considered in the retrieval process. For the text-based patent retrieval, we decided simply to weight differently the different fields of the patent, giving more weight to some of them, before concatenating the different fields. Monolingually, we then used the standard cosine measure, after applying the tf-idf weighting scheme, to compute the similarity between the query and the documents of the collection. To handle the multi-lingual aspect, we either used late fusion of monolingual similarities (French / English / German) or translated non-English fields into English (and then computed simple monolingual similarities).
In addition to these standard textual similarities, we also computed similarities between patents based on the IPC-categories they share and similarities based on the patent citation graph; we used late fusion to merge these new similarities with the former ones.
Finally to combine the image-based and the text-based rankings, we normalized the ranking scores and used again weighted late fusion strategy. As our expectation for the visual expert was low, we used a much stronger weight for the textual expert, than for the visual one. We have shown that while indeed the visual expert performed poorly, combined with text experts the multi-modal system outperformed the corresponding text-only based retrieval system.
NAVER LABS Europe 6-8 chemin de Maupertuis 38240 Meylan France Contact
To make robots autonomous in real-world everyday spaces, they should be able to learn from their interactions within these spaces, how to best execute tasks specified by non-expert users in a safe and reliable way. To do so requires sequential decision-making skills that combine machine learning, adaptive planning and control in uncertain environments as well as solving hard combinatorial optimization problems. Our research combines expertise in reinforcement learning, computer vision, robotic control, sim2real transfer, large multimodal foundation models and neural combinatorial optimization to build AI-based architectures and algorithms to improve robot autonomy and robustness when completing everyday complex tasks in constantly changing environments. More details on our research can be found in the Explore section below.
For a robot to be useful it must be able to represent its knowledge of the world, share what it learns and interact with other agents, in particular humans. Our research combines expertise in human-robot interaction, natural language processing, speech, information retrieval, data management and low code/no code programming to build AI components that will help next-generation robots perform complex real-world tasks. These components will help robots interact safely with humans and their physical environment, other robots and systems, represent and update their world knowledge and share it with the rest of the fleet. More details on our research can be found in the Explore section below.
Visual perception is a necessary part of any intelligent system that is meant to interact with the world. Robots need to perceive the structure, the objects, and people in their environment to better understand the world and perform the tasks they are assigned. Our research combines expertise in visual representation learning, self-supervised learning and human behaviour understanding to build AI components that help robots understand and navigate in their 3D environment, detect and interact with surrounding objects and people and continuously adapt themselves when deployed in new environments. More details on our research can be found in the Explore section below.
Details on the gender equality index score 2024 (related to year 2023) for NAVER France of 87/100.
1. Difference in female/male salary: 34/40 points
2. Difference in salary increases female/male: 35/35 points
3. Salary increases upon return from maternity leave: Non calculable
4. Number of employees in under-represented gender in 10 highest salaries: 5/10 points
The NAVER France targets set in 2022 (Indicator n°1: +2 points in 2024 and Indicator n°4: +5 points in 2025) have been achieved.
Index NAVER France de l’égalité professionnelle entre les femmes et les hommes pour l’année 2024 au titre des données 2023 : 87/100
Détail des indicateurs :
1. Les écarts de salaire entre les femmes et les hommes: 34 sur 40 points
2. Les écarts des augmentations individuelles entre les femmes et les hommes : 35 sur 35 points
3. Toutes les salariées augmentées revenant de congé maternité : Incalculable
4. Le nombre de salarié du sexe sous-représenté parmi les 10 plus hautes rémunérations : 5 sur 10 points
Les objectifs de progression de l’Index définis en 2022 (Indicateur n°1 : +2 points en 2024 et Indicateur n°4 : +5 points en 2025) ont été atteints.
To make robots autonomous in real-world everyday spaces, they should be able to learn from their interactions within these spaces, how to best execute tasks specified by non-expert users in a safe and reliable way. To do so requires sequential decision-making skills that combine machine learning, adaptive planning and control in uncertain environments as well as solving hard combinatorial optimisation problems. Our research combines expertise in reinforcement learning, computer vision, robotic control, sim2real transfer, large multimodal foundation models and neural combinatorial optimisation to build AI-based architectures and algorithms to improve robot autonomy and robustness when completing everyday complex tasks in constantly changing environments.
The research we conduct on expressive visual representations is applicable to visual search, object detection, image classification and the automatic extraction of 3D human poses and shapes that can be used for human behavior understanding and prediction, human-robot interaction or even avatar animation. We also extract 3D information from images that can be used for intelligent robot navigation, augmented reality and the 3D reconstruction of objects, buildings or even entire cities.
Our work covers the spectrum from unsupervised to supervised approaches, and from very deep architectures to very compact ones. We’re excited about the promise of big data to bring big performance gains to our algorithms but also passionate about the challenge of working in data-scarce and low-power scenarios.
Furthermore, we believe that a modern computer vision system needs to be able to continuously adapt itself to its environment and to improve itself via lifelong learning. Our driving goal is to use our research to deliver embodied intelligence to our users in robotics, autonomous driving, via phone cameras and any other visual means to reach people wherever they may be.
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