Multi-person human mesh recovery (HMR) consists in detecting all individuals in a given input image, and predicting the body shape, pose, and 3D location for each detected person. The dominant approaches to this task rely on neural networks trained to output a single prediction for each detected individual. In contrast, we propose CondiMen, a method that outputs a joint parametric distribution over likely poses, body shapes, intrinsics and distances to the camera, using a Bayesian network. This approach offers several advantages. First, a probability distribution can handle some inherent ambiguities of this task — such as the uncertainty between a person’s size and their distance to the camera, or simply the loss of information when projecting 3D data onto the 2D image plane. Second, the output distribution can be combined with additional information to produce better predictions, by using e.g. known camera or body shape parameters, or by exploiting multi-view observations. Third, one can efficiently extract the most likely predictions from the output distribution, making our proposed approach suitable for real-time applications. Empirically we find that our model i) achieves performance on par with or better than the state-of-the-art, ii) captures uncertainties and correlations inherent in pose estimation and iii) can exploit additional information at test time, such as multi-view consistency or body shape priors. CondiMen spices up the modeling of ambiguity, using just the right ingredients on hand.