Virtual KITTI dataset
A dataset of synthetic images for training and testing based on KITTI

03 Mar. 2020: Bug fix for Scene02/Scene06 static vehicles instance and class segmentation. classSegmentation, instanceSegmentation, textgt were updated.
29 Jan. 2020: New version of Virtual KITTI (v.2) with newly rendered images (Unity 2018.4 LTS), stereo camera, and more.
23 Sept. 2016: New version (v.1.3.1) with 2 new variations (+/- 30 degrees camera rotation), new 3D object ground truth and camera parameters (intrinsic + pose), car meta-data (moving/not moving flag, color and make of cars, …) and minor bug fixes on segmentation and optical flow edge cases (including on car wheels and intricate thin structures). The experimental conclusions are identical to the ones of our CVPR 2016 paper. In fact, the average gap in MOTA for DPMCF is even smaller now (81.0 on real KITTI, 81.2 on VKITTI 1.3.1 clones).
10 Aug. 2016: Update to scene ground truth (v.1.2.1). Small bug fix on poles and transparent shaders impacting only few pixels of the scene ground truth images. All the rest is unchanged.