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- GOAL: a generalist combinatorial optimization agent learner
The Thirteenth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), Singapore, 24-28 April, 2025
- Multi-agent path finding with real robot dynamics and interdependent tasks for automated warehouses
The 27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 19-24 October, 2024
- BQ-NCO: bisimulation quotienting for efficient neural combinatorial optimization
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 10–16 December, 2023
- On the generalization of neural combinatorial optimization heuristics
ECML PKDD, Grenoble, France, 19-23 September, 2022.
- Running tour generation for unknown environments
HCII 2019, Orlando, USA, 26-31 July, 2019
- An Extended Framework for Marginalized Domain Adaptation
- Efficient decomposition method for the stochastic optimization of public transport schedules
NIPS2016 workshop on Machine Learning for Intelligent Transportation Systems, Barcelona, Spain, 9 December 2016
- Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Regularized Domain Instance Denoising
ECCV, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, October 8-16, 2016.
- Stochastic Optimization of Public Transport Schedules to Reduce Transfer Waiting Times
IEEE Second International Smart Cities Conference, Trento, Italy, 12-15 September, 2016.